
For Immediate Release
Contact: media@zforaz.com

PHOENIX, ARIZ., — Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Republican Candidate for Congress in AZ-04, released this statement following Congressman Greg Stanton’s call for President Biden to exit the Presidential race.

“This is yet another example of Congressman Greg Stanton coming out of hibernation to do what is politically expedient after years of actions that tell a different story. Greg Stanton voted almost 100% of the time with President Biden – even when it was contrary to the needs of the Fourth District. He has also been complicit in the historic cover-up of President Biden’s incapacity to govern. As a primary care physician, it’s not just a question about whether President Biden should be the nominee. It’s about whether he should be President at all. But never once did Stanton raise concern or blow the whistle, until it became politically beneficial for him to do so because of Biden’s plummeting support in Arizona. The voters of AZ-04 have eyes. They’ve seen clearly that Congressman Stanton has been a political pawn, and they aren’t fooled by this latest stunt. Our country deserves better than President Biden, and our district definitely deserves better than Greg Stanton. I fully intend to retire Stanton with our victory in November.”

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser is a candidate for Congressional District 4, a primary care physician in Phoenix, and a U.S. Navy veteran. Learn more at ZforAZ.com.
