
August 1, 2024

For Immediate Release
Contact: media@zforaz.com

PHOENIX, ARIZ., — Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Republican Candidate for Congress in AZ-04, made the following statement on the results of the Congressional Republican Primary.

“This was not the outcome we worked for, and I am saddened that I will not have the opportunity to represent the district I love. However, I am grateful and indebted to my family, my team, my volunteers and the more than 13,500 voters of AZ-04 and countless Arizonans and conservative leaders who supported me. I will honor that trust by continuing to fight for the values we share and the country we love. This was an important and hard-fought primary, and I congratulate our Republican winner, Kelly Cooper. 

“Ultimately, we have a country to save and lifelong politician and Biden rubber-stamping Congressman Greg Stanton must be retired. Stanton has showed his true colors to AZ-04 voters with every vote he’s cast, refusing to denounce Biden’s open border policies while his own community felt the consequences, opposing a parents’ bill of rights, voting to increase the debt limit four times, and being unwilling to censure a radical terror-supporting member of his own party. He must be retired. For this reason, I endorse Kelly Cooper and wish him success in November sending Stanton to the private sector where he belongs. I called Kelly yesterday evening and shared this sentiment with him.

“My faith in America is undying. The love of country instilled in me by my immigrant parents has guided every step of my life, and Gada and I are passing it onto our own children today. We must remain that shining city on a hill, that hope for the world that draws so many to risk everything. As the only new candidate and politician in this race, I urge all of our community leaders who have not sought elected office to strongly consider making the sacrifice. Our country more than ever needs patriots with diverse and strong backgrounds outside of politics to be our future leaders against the shape-shifting forms of the establishment. God has a plan for each of us and I will continue to work tirelessly for our communities and our country in my undying effort to leave this, the greatest nation on earth, better than we found it. As long as we have courageous men and women of principle willing to run into the fire to protect all that has made America great, I am confident our best days can be ahead. God bless Arizona, and God bless the United States of America.”
