
June 28, 2024

For Immediate Release
Contact: media@zforaz.com

PHOENIX, ARIZ., — Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Republican Candidate for Congress in AZ-04, released this statement following the first Presidential Debate.

“America was stronger and more prosperous under President Donald Trump’s leadership. Tonight we were reminded of why. Trump demonstrated an understanding of the pain American families are feeling after four years of President Biden, and laid out clear prescriptions to renew America’s promise.

“What we observed tonight was a President Biden with an incapacity to be coherent let alone lead our nation. It is clear that the American people have not only been leaderless, but that the radicals leading our country into oblivion were not on stage but rather given power by a Democratic Party apparatus that is complicit in the greatest of all cover-ups in American history. Millions of Americans saw that the “emperor has no clothes” tonight. First and foremost, the American people must hold every Democratic Party leader accountable and in contempt of the American People. This is not just about a White House that has clearly turned into a memory care center. This is bigger. From Jill Biden and the White House staff, to his physicians, his Cabinet, and congressional foot soldiers like Greg Stanton (D-AZ), this is about co-conspirators that provided ongoing cover. They all allowed the most radical element in their party to wield control of actual leadership and destroy our nation on every front while our actual elected President obviously had no capacity or wherewithal to lead. What we witnessed last night does not happen overnight and has been covered up for years. Greg Stanton (D-AZ) and his party have systematically lied to the American people.

“President Trump is the strong leader we need to secure the border, restore America’s position on the world stage, and restart our economic engine of growth. Meanwhile, Biden not only doubled down on his failed ideas never acknowledging the pain Americans are feeling today during his term, but he revealed his incapacity for leadership. Our country will be much better off if Biden is retired to actual memory care in November.”

Dr. Zuhdi Jasser is a candidate for Congressional District 4, a primary care physician in Phoenix, and a U.S. Navy veteran. Learn more at ZforAZ.com.
