
July 24, 2024

For Immediate Release
Contact: media@zforaz.com

PHOENIX, ARIZ., — Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Republican Candidate for Congress in AZ-04, released this statement following President Biden’s Oval Office address.

“Tonight, we saw a failed President trying to gaslight America about his record and put a dying presidency on life support. Tonight’s robotic teleprompter read does nothing to assuage the fears of the vast majority of Americans that President Biden has long lacked the capacity to run the nation. He isn’t passing the torch. His administration is handing the blow torch over to a radical — Vice-President Kamala Harris — to finish the arson he started. Despite his attempt at revising history,  Americans know that life under the Biden Harris Administration has brought less safety, more chaos, higher costs, diminished prosperity, instability abroad, and a general sense that America is in decline and the American dream is dead. With Biden’s exit from the race, we face an even worse prospect in presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris. On almost every policy, she is a radical even further to the Left of Biden. A Harris presidency would result in more chaos, instability, and economic ruin. Everything she touched as Vice President turned to ashes, starting with her disastrous handling of the southern border as Biden’s “border czar.” And her absence from Netanyahu’s address to Congress just today highlights her history of abandoning Israel and supporting pro-Hamas, anti semitic agitators. It’s telling that Biden rubber-stamping Congressman Greg Stanton has already fallen in line and endorsed Harris. Returning President Trump to the White House is essential to getting America back on track, securing our border, and bringing relief to American families.”