
July 21, 2024

For Immediate Release
Contact: media@zforaz.com

PHOENIX, ARIZ., — Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, Republican Candidate for Congress in AZ-04, released this statement following President Biden’s Sunday morning announcement that he will exit the Presidential race and not seek a second term. 

“President Biden’s coerced exit from the Presidential race is long overdue and should have been accompanied by his resignation from office immediately due to his obvious incapacity. 

“As a physician, I know that cognitive impairment from the moderate to the severe and the advancing spectrum of progressive dementia does not happen one week before a debate. It has been going on for years. The cover-up has been facilitated by his physicians, family, executive inner circle, cabinet, the media, and the radical Left in charge of the Democratic Party. These puppet-masters have been enjoying their shadow governance and unelected executive control over the United States of America. 

“We must have an overdue public reckoning and accounting of the realities of the extremists and radicals who have been long running the country in what has been one of the most massive coverups in American history. President Biden remaining in office for the remainder of his term is a major vulnerability domestically and globally. Our enemies are on their own time scale with six months left before President Trump can right this ship. Congressional rubber-stampers like our current Rep. Greg Stanton (D-AZ) are beyond complicit in this now fully exposed lie to the American people.

“But President Biden’s incapacity was not the only reason for his disastrous leadership. His administration’s radical open-border, inflationary policies that have decimated America domestically and globally will be carried on by whoever is chosen to succeed him as nominee. President Trump must be returned to office in November for America’s decline to be reversed and our promise restored.”
