


Charlie Kirk

TV and Radio Host

“Zuhdi has been a great friend and doctor of mine for years. He has been so helpful to me and my family. He has a servant’s heart and would be a terrific addition to Congress.”

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Mark Levin

TV and Radio Host
“You’re a great lover of the country, you’ve made that clear. You want the border secure. You believe in American sovereignty. You want to build up the U.S. military. And you are a great patriot. So of course, I formally endorse you.”


Former Senator

“I am proud to endorse Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, who I have known for over 20 years…After a lifetime of proven service in our communities he is now running to take on and take out Congressman Greg Stanton…If you believe in supporting our best and brightest our nation has to offer, Zuhdi not only deserves your support, I believe he has earned it.”


Jan Brewer

Former Governor

“Zuhdi Jasser is a patriot who served his country with honor. He is a doctor who cares about his patients and the community, and a true America First conservative who can defeat liberal Greg Stanton. His entire career of service has demonstrated this…”


Sal DiCiccio


“Dr. Jasser has been a staple in this community for over 25 years who had the courage to stand up to the medical establishment against their slide into coercive pandemic mandates as he kept his clinic open during COVID-19…Dr. Jasser is the unwavering conservative we need to defeat liberal Congressman Stanton.”


Glenn Beck

CEO, Blaze Media

“In times where Americans don’t know who or even what to trust, character is vital. I have known Zuhdi Jasser for over 20 years and have deep respect for him. He is a friend, a brave and almost heroic figure that has stood for American principles relentlessly, and most importantly, without hesitation, at times where those words endangered his own life.”


Hugh Hewitt

Author and Radio Host

“Dr. Jasser is the guy. He will be Congressman Jasser at this time next year.  He might be our freshman of the year.”


Seth Leibsohn

Author and Radio Host

“Never in my memory have we had a more qualified person running for congress.”


Rick Santorum

Former Senator

“I’m proud to endorse my friend Dr. Zuhdi Jasser for Congress. I have known and worked with Zuhdi for over 10 years. You can trust him to say what he means and do what he says. He is a principled conservative who will protect the sanctity of life and a patriot who has and will defend our country and our borders.  Zuhdi is the best Republican to win this race so Arizona’s Fourth district will have a voice in Congress to combat the radical left that is destroying our country.”


Brandon Tatum

Commentator and Author
“I’m proud to endorse Dr. Zuhdi Jasser for Congress because he’s a fearless, battle-tested conservative who won’t be swayed in his beliefs by the Washington elites. He’s taken on the medical establishment & stood his ground during the COVID pandemic. Dr. Jasser stands against radical Islamists here and across the globe and I trust that he’ll take on the establishment radicals in Washington, stand with President Trump, and finally secure our border.”